Tokratna tema na blogu CAS on Friday je glasba.
Za izdelavo sem uporabila štempiljke od Joy! Crafts Clear Stamps - Dance to the Music in od Mama Elephant Honey Bunny, rezalne šablone so od Najlepši par in od Mama Elephant.
Za ozadje sem uporabila stencil od Stamperie in Distress Oxide Thumbled glass. Izrez trave je delno senčen z Distress Oxide Mowed lawn.
Svoj izdelek prijavljam na/v:
- CAS on Friday - Challenge #201: Music
- "Less is More" CAS Challenge - Challenge #439: CAS inking

- Inkspirational Challenges - Challenge #235: Fur / Feathers

- Die Traumfabrik - Dream Factory - Challenge #90: Zoomania

Do naslednjič :)
Adorable! Love back views. Thanks for playing at AAA Cards, hope to see you join in with future challenges too. Stay safe and keep crafting!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThis is a very cute image and a very pretty card!! Glad you joined us at the Dream Factory!! Gundi
OdgovoriIzbrišiThese two are so cute together! Adorable card! Thanks for playing along with CAS on Friday Challenges! Crafty hugs Linda
OdgovoriIzbrišiI love the stencilled background. Thanks for joining in with the challenge at Less is More.
OdgovoriIzbrišiHow adorable! And I love the CAS effect of only having added color along one side of the card. Brilliant design. Thanks for joining our challenge at Inkspirational.